About Woofstock
When to Arrive/Leave
Registration will be ready on Thursday, October 3rd in the afternoon (time TBA) and continue throughout the weekend. The event will wind down after breakfast on Sunday, October 6th with the event officially closing promptly at noon.
What kind of fun activities will there be to do?
Official Texas Puppy Club Business
One of the newest features to this year's Woofstock is the incorporation of official Texas Puppy Club Business. In addition to inducting all Woofstock attendees from here on out into the organization as full TPC members, we will also start using this annual event for our annual membership meetings, bylaws amendments, and officer election information.
The South Central Pet & Handler contest!
That's right critters, handlers, and enthusiasts! We've officially combined our Titles and yearly camping event into one large production. We look forward to being able to bring the title run experience to the great outdoors in a competition like no other. For more information, please see the following:
Guide- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1diCR9AkMOzH5-Tuy-IxNF5kHQ2QboB2SDX_8y_UkR20/edit?usp=sharing
Media release- https://forms.gle/2RB9Srde4EBuafmg6
Application- https://forms.gle/fXkqEjpSai37RzZt7
Ready to let your inner pet be free and play with other pups (and kitties and other critters)? We’ll have mats set up for you to do just that. Handlers are welcome to partake as well! If you’ve never moshed before, that’s ok. We’ll give you a few tips or just sit back and watch for a while.
While no specific gear is required for pet play, we do recommend at minimum knee pads and hand mitts. You can hurt your knees and knuckles otherwise.
We will also have workshops during the weekend with topics to help those new to pet play and those who have been wagging their tails for years. We’ll have more details in the coming months.
A fully inclusive little's schedule
We could not have grown the way we have without the hard work and dedication of our little community and we're proud to integrate a full schedule to ensure there's activities for everybody.
Campfire, Swimming Pool, Ball Pit, and Leather Area
Come get your fun on with our campfire, large ball pit, swimming pool, and leather area!
Games and Much, Much, More
We’ll also have lots of games and other fun activities. How much or how little you participate is up to you. Don’t forget the hiking trails!
COVID-19 / Infection Precautions
COVID-19 vaccination is strongly encouraged.
In order to provide the safest environment possible to our attendees, please ensure you are up-to-date on all recommended vaccines, including those for COVID-19. If you are ill, please respect others' health and seek appropriate medical guidance before travel.
The nature of the event space and activities makes socially distancing and mask wearing impractical. This was not a decision we arrived at lightly and we hope to reach a point soon where this is not necessary.
If you have a medical condition which we can try to accommodate, please message us at woofstockreg@texaspuppyclub.com.
What's for dinner
We have come delicious treats in store for you over the weekend. Your meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast are included in your registration plus some snacks, bottled water, and other drinks. When you hear the bell ring, it's time for food!
Check out the menu page for a full menu.
If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please let us know when you register. We will work with you where we can.
Other Things to Keep in Mind
Alcohol & Illegal Substances
Don’t bring or plan to consume illegal substances at Woofstock. Just don’t. We have a zero tolerance policy and will remove you from the event space immediately and ask you to leave TCC when you are safe to do so.
This event is open to anyone 18 or over. As such, we will have a very strict policy around alcohol. Everyone will have a wrist band for the weekend. Orange with "Under 21" means you can’t drink. Green means you can. No wrist band means you can’t drink.
We will not supply alcohol and will not have or allow any cocktail parties during the weekend. Those 21 and over may bring your own private stock to consume during the weekend. However, excessively intoxicated behavior will not be permitted.
Anyone under 21 in possession, in consumption, or under the influence of alcohol will be removed from the event space immediately and asked to leave the landsite as soon as they are safely able to do so. This is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy and there will be no exceptions.
Providing alcohol to someone under 21 (orange wrist band with "Under 21") will also be cause for removal from the campgrounds.
Disruptive behavior will also not be tolerated.
Bio Pets
Bio pets are not allowed at Woofstock due to the rules of the landsite. If you have a service animal, please let us know and we will make arrangements for you.
Clothing Optional
One of the great things about hosting Woofstock at the Texas Conference of Clubs landsite is that it is a private facility. That means you are welcome to wear as much or as little as you like. Please stay clothed in the kitchen, parking area, Buzzards Peak, ball pit, and agility course.
TCC and Woofstock are play and sex positive spaces. There are not formal play times scheduled, there will not be a formal “play party”, and there are not dungeon monitors scheduled for the weekend. If you are doing BDSM play with someone new or trying new things, we recommend that you have a friend close by or have one of the event team around to make sure everything goes okay.
Respect others' autonomy and consent. Clean up your own messes. Leave your play space better than you found it. There will be cleaning solutions and paper towels around the outdoor play area. "Red" is the house safe word and must be honored.
Play is at your own risk.
When playing, we ask that you stick to the outdoor play space or areas away from the main crowd to not disrupt others. We will have condoms and lube packs around if needed.
What to Bring to Woofstock
Or at least a few recommendations . . . the comforts of home are different for each person. But there are some basics that will make your weekend much more enjoyable.
Make sure you have all your tent poles, stakes, and the rain cover.
Flying in from out of town? We are evaluating how to offer tents for lease so you don't have to check one on the plane!
Sleeping bag
Sleeping bags have temperature ratings. They will tell you how cold it can be and the bag still keep you warm. Lows will likely be down in the 50s at Woofstock. Can your bag handle that?
You can also bring warm blankets and sheets and you’ll likely be just fine.
Air Mattress of foam pad
Don’t sleep right on the ground. There’s rocks but there’s a much more important reason. You need something to separate your body from the cold ground or you will get very cold.
For an air mattress, bring an air pump. We recommend a patch kit, just in case.
Camp shoes
Sandals or crocks will work just fine. You need something to slip onto your feet at 2 am when nature calls.
Don’t walk barefoot at TCC, or in the showers. Just don’t.
Bring a towel for the shower. Drip drying is not fun.
It gets dark in the woods!
Bug spray
Warm clothes (including a jacket)
Camp chair or lawn chair
Something you can easily carry with you to sit on in case all the benches are occupied.
Snacks and drinks
We’ll have some snacks but bring a few munchies of your own to supplement.
Although we will have plenty of water and may have select coffees, teas, soda, or lemonade, if you have a specific preference, please bring that.
We also recommend an ice chest to keep your drinks cold for the weekend.
Battery Powered Lantern
You’ll want light in your tent.
Do not use propane lanterns inside your tent. There are fire hazards and carbon monoxide hazards. Just don’t do it.
If you want a cheep but amazing lantern, we recommend something like the inflatable solar LED lanterns
Personal hygiene items
Tooth brush, soap, shampoo, deodorant
Medications, period products, condoms, lube, etc.
Some may bring electric fans. Don’t forget your cell phone charger and bring an extension cord.