While we may be the Texas 'Puppy' Club, we are inclusive of all pet players. Whether you're a kitty, donkey, fox, dragon or any other pet player - we welcome you to all of our events and want you to know we're here to for you, too.
For those new to puppy/pet play, things can be a bit confusing, and we're here to help educate and support everyone to help create a safe environment where everyone can have fun. Our best suggestion for new pups and Handlers, and even those just a bit curious about why people are wearing puppy faces is to just ask. Come out to an event or two, and get to know people in the community. We don't bite (unless we're asked to), and most pups love meeting new people.
That being said, there are a few things to be mindful of...
• Many pups and pet players are very shy. It's never a good idea to walk up to a pup/pet and touch them without asking permission. Some pups/pets are non-verbal when they are in their headspace, and you'll have to look for visual cues for consent, but always get consent before touching. Most of us love belly rubs and scritches, but not without our permission.
• Along those same lines, it's never a good idea to grab a pup/pet's tail. There are many kinds of tails, and some of them are actually insertable. You can actually do some serious harm to someone if you pull on their tail, so a good rule of thumb is to not touch without permission.
• While there are some pups that do connect their sex lives with their pet play, there are just as many that don't. You should never assume that anyone is up for any sexual contact without consent. This goes for pet players and anyone else you might meet on the street. Always ask.